"This site, its design and its contents, belongs to me, not the webhost!"
(*) I strongly recommend you to remember the note above and the bottom clauses (if there are any).
For free website templates to choose from, you should check some other sites like: Andreas Viklund & Open Web Design.
The web designer is following the author's instructions.
License Clauses
Version 1.0, 12 September 2010
Copyright © 2010 The site author
<en> The contents of this site belongs to its author and owner. You should contact the author about it.
<es> El contenido de este web pertenece a su autor y propietario. Debería contactar con el autor sobre dicho contenido.
<ca> El contingut d'aquest lloc pertany al seu autor i propietari. Hauria de contactar l'autor per l'esmentat contingut.
<en> Dont forget clause nº1!
<es> ¡No olvide la claúsula nº1!
<ca> No oblidi la clàusula nº1!