This website belongs to its owner / Este web pertenece a su propietario: Club Atletismo Molina-Avesco


  • <en>   The contents of this site belongs to its author and owner. You should contact the author about it.
  • <es>   El contenido de este web pertenece a su autor y propietario. Debería contactar con el autor sobre dicho contenido.
  • <ca>   El contingut d'aquest lloc pertany al seu autor i propietari. Hauria de contactar l'autor per l'esmentat contingut.

Referring to contents...

The copyright or authorship rights belong to its author.
"This site, its design and its contents, belongs to me, not the webhost!"

(*) I strongly recommend you to remember the note above and the bottom clauses (if there are any).

For free website templates to choose from, you should check some other sites like: Andreas Viklund & Open Web Design.

The web designer is following the author's instructions.

License Clauses

Version 1.0, 12 September 2010

Copyright © 2010 The site author


<en>   The contents of this site belongs to its author and owner. You should contact the author about it.

<es>   El contenido de este web pertenece a su autor y propietario. Debería contactar con el autor sobre dicho contenido.

<ca>   El contingut d'aquest lloc pertany al seu autor i propietari. Hauria de contactar l'autor per l'esmentat contingut.


<en>   Dont forget clause nº1!

<es>   ¡No olvide la claúsula nº1!

<ca>   No oblidi la clàusula nº1!